Registration Types |
Rate |
IEEE Member |
USD 300.00 |
Non-Member |
USD 375.00 |
IEEE Student Member |
Free |
Student Non-Member |
USD 150.00 |
To request a refund, please email stating the registrant’s name and the payment amount. There is a non-refundable service charge of USD 50.00 for processing refunds. Requests for registration cancellation must be received by 30 September 2021. No requests for refunds will be accepted after this date.
Speakers who are submitting a paper for inclusion in IEEE Xplore will be provided with the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF). Speakers who are submitting a virtual presentation only will be provided with the IEEE Consent and Release Form. These forms allow IEEE the right to use, distribute, publish, exhibit, digitize, broadcast, reproduce and archive, in any format or medium, whether now known or hereafter developed any materials, including written, audio and visual works. One of these forms are required by each speaker in order to present at the virtual conference.